3D Dental Data Modeling

Dental 3D scanner is mainly used for 3D data reconstruction in the field of oral medicine. The three-dimensional data reconstruction accuracy reaches the micron level, realizing high-speed, high-precision, and automated scanning work, ensuring that users can save worry, effort, and time during use. ​


Open scanning bin
Structured light surface projection, fast scanning speed
Cold light is less susceptible to external interference and has high scanning data accuracy.


High-speed, multi-generation scanning
High precision
Practicality, supports all dental CAD design types; dental models, impressions, scanning rods, wax-ups, bite waxes, orthodontics, activities, etc.
Wider applicability, can project rasters of various colors and scan dental molds of various colors
Streamlined and simplified; fully automatic guidance process and automatic registration function ensure fast, simple and accurate scanning

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