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MindVision Weekly Group Badminton Activity Opened

Let’s go exercise together

Life derives from physical exercise

       The horn of Paris Olympics has been blown, the athletes on the arena make people leap and applaud, we appreciate every drop of sweat, because we believe that behind every drop of sweat there is the persistence of day and night, minute and second.
       As a popular sport, badminton is not only a competitive program, but also an important activity to promote teamwork and enhance staff cohesion. In order to further enhance the team’s vitality and spirit of cooperation, MindVision has always been adhering to the concept of “career and health, success and happiness co-exist”, and regularly organizes weekly badminton group activities. These activities vividly demonstrate the collaborative spirit and passionate collision of MindVision team. This time, let’s play with the sportsmen and women this summer!

      On August 8th, MindVision held the first badminton group activity in August. This activity not only provided an opportunity for employees to relax, but also an excellent platform to enhance team cohesion.
      The company’s badminton enthusiasts gathered in a lively scene. The participants were divided into groups and played a fierce and friendly game.
      On the court, everyone sweated and showed their excellent skills and unyielding fighting spirit.
      Off the field, laughter was heard, fully reflecting the team’s energy and friendly atmosphere.
       In this energetic badminton group activity, we not only showed our excellent skills, but also enhanced the cohesion and friendship among the team. Every swing, every laugh makes us more closely united together; every perseverance, the spirit of not giving up until the last moment is not only the noble character shown by our Olympic athletes, but also the important qualities necessary for every MindVision employee.
        MindVision is always committed to building a healthy, positive and energetic corporate culture. In the next work, we will continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work, and work hand in hand to move towards a higher goal!

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