Lens Selection Tool
Please enter your application parameters, and we can help you find the suitable lens model. The minimum operating distance (MOD) of the lens was not considered in the calculation. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

Choose a camera series and model

Choose a camera series and model
image size:
pixel size:
target size:

Please enter as many values as possible, the system will automatically calculate the missing values

FA lens

Option 1: Working distance and target height or width

Calculation method 1: Enter the working distance and target width or height.

Calculation method 2: Enter a viewing angle and working distance.

Calculation method 3: Enter a perspective and target width or height.

Calculation method 4: Enter the focal length and working distance.

Calculation method 5: Enter the focal length and target width or height.

display results

Lens's Focal Length

Working Distance

horizontal view angle

vertical viewing angle

Field of View Longth

Field of View Width

Calculation method: Input magnification and target width or height

Important note: Due to the fixed working distance of different models of telephoto lenses, the following calculations do not consider the operation of telephoto lenses

The recommended lens for this tool requires self confirmation of whether the working distance meets the project requirements.

display results

target width

target height

magnification rate

※The above calculation results are only applicable to situations where the object distance is much greater than the image distance.

Selection result output

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