Speeding Capture

System composition

The speeding capture system consists of four parts: front-end vehicle detection component (video) and radar, capture host, license plate recognition system, and capture system violation management software.


System working principle

The system monitors the speed and image of the road surface at a determined location and uses Doppler frequency change technology to measure the speed of moving vehicles. When the moving target exceeds the first plastic value, the system receives a radar detection trigger signal and uses the camera to detect and detect speeding vehicles. Long-range pictures are taken, and then the images are sent to the industrial computer for image signal processing through the data collection system, so as to obtain clear images of illegal targets. At the same time, illegal images and speed information databases can be generated, and illegal penalty notices can be generated according to actual requirements to provide traffic control Partly as a basis for law enforcement.


Method of implementation

Microwave technology is used to compress the radar beam width, reduce the irradiation area, and overcome the interference of vehicles on the adjacent road.
System capture is subject to multiple conditions such as video identification and speed radar triggering, reducing the rate of missed shots and false shots.
Advanced image processing technology is used to make the position of the captured image accurate and clear, and capture a panorama and a close-up. The captured pictures can clearly identify the time of violation, location of violation, type of violation, vehicle model, license plate number, vehicle color, etc. .
Advanced fill light technology, the capture system uses long-life and high-brightness LED light-emitting tube fill lights, and applies video synchronization technology. The fill light does not light up at ordinary times. It only lights up when the capture is confirmed and goes out after the capture.
The system has wired and wireless communication interfaces, which can automatically or regularly transmit captured pictures to the penalty center, and can receive instructions from the penalty center for real-time data transmission and historical data transmission.

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