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Fun drift a summer | Work full steam ahead, the reunion enthusiastically run!

Fun Drift a Summer 

Work Full Steam Ahead, the Reunion Enthusiastically Run!

       MindVision organized a unique group building activity in early August – going to Liuyang Zhouluo to experience the thrilling rafting and Grand Canyon adventure. This activity not only let everyone away from the hustle and bustle of the city, feel the charm of nature, but also a valuable opportunity to enhance communication and collaboration. Now, let’s look back on this group building trip full of laughter!
Zhou Luo Rafting: an extreme experience of rapids:
Turbulent water, sudden sharp turns, and constantly changing water conditions …… all of these brought great challenges and fun to everyone. Facing the impact of the rapids, each group member cooperated with each other, paddled hard, supported each other, and successfully overcame one difficulty after another. Laughter, screams one after another, splashing, we not only experienced the excitement of rafting, but also feel the power of teamwork.
Zhou Luo Grand Canyon: Exploring Nature’s Wonders:
Known for its magnificent natural scenery and fresh air, the Zhou Luo Grand Canyon is an ideal place to get away from the hustle and bustle and get close to nature.
      Hiking in the Grand Canyon is a close encounter with nature, with magnificent scenery along the way, cliffs towering on both sides of the canyon, and gurgling streams. Along the canyon trail, we enjoyed the waterfalls, strange rocks, ancient trees, sometimes stopping to take pictures, sometimes around together to talk and laugh. In this peaceful world, everyone put aside the pressure of work and enjoyed this gift from nature.
The power and rewards of teamwork.
After a day of adventure and exploration, everyone’s body was slightly tired, but their hearts were full of joy and satisfaction. This group building not only let everyone relax after the tense work, but also enhanced mutual trust and tacit understanding in the challenge and cooperation. Through this activity, MindVision team members understood the importance of teamwork. In the future work, this spirit of unity and cooperation will continue to lead us to move forward and meet new challenges.

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